Marine God Proteus, Prophet and Protector of Crustaceans and Seals
Legendary shape-changer seal guardian deity, so Homer told, Marine God Proteus is protector of the seal colonies; and does have a trick or two up his sleeve.
Marine God Phorcys' Ocean Wave Authority
Tsunami God Phorcys gets creative with unexpected waves and all-or-nothing gemstone deals.
Marine Goddess Scylla's Warning to the Eastern Islands
Among the most dangerous of all the marine deities, goddess Scylla probably favours the southern hemisphere seas and oceans.
Marine God Glaucus' Rules - Eat to Live OK. Overfishing and Hunting For Sport. Not OK
Like all marine deities Glaucus is highly motivated against industrial scale fishing and mindless hunting of ocean-going life.
Marine God Nereus and the Sea of Love
Open water ocean can be cold and dangerous, but marine God Nereus reveals an unexpected gift to those he favours.
Marine Goddesses The Nereids and the Room of Random Treasures
The Nereids seafaring sisterhood choose working together to patrol the seas and oceans. And gather trophies along the way.
Marine God Charybdis. You Can Say "No" to Monsters
Sea Monster Charybdis does take "No" for an answer. But you might have to go through some things to get to the question. Good luck.
Marine God Pontus' Coral Cleaning Rules Explained
Ocean Gods have long memories, and time aplenty. God Pontus reveals how creative the Gods can be in decontaminating the oceans.
Marine God Oceanus Rules the Atlantic
Marine God Oceanus reveals which body of water he manages and which beach house he aims to take back.
God Plutus and God Aristaeus
Gods of Wealth and Consumables share advice on money and contentment.