Nick Hammond and Margo Williams

Nick Hammond and Margo Williams

Nick Hammond's best job ever was working with Isle of Wight psychic ghost hunter Margo Williams for the last 18 years of her life. Adventure and mystery-solving in sacred sites and haunted buildings.
Text title Nemesis

Goddess Nemesis the Beautiful

Goddess Nemesis tried to explain to me a simple truth about the workings of fate and free will: It’s complicated.
7 min read
Text title Nemesis

Goddess Nemesis on Living Your Best Life Yet

Goddess Nemesis is Head of Human Affairs in the Gods' Justice Department, but she equally is responsible for happiness.
8 min read
Text title Hephaestus

Olympian God Hephaestus' Justice Department

Post-life assessment done, human accountability begins with Hephaestus.
8 min read
Text title Hermes

Olympian God Hermes on Gods, Mortals and Animals

Messenger of the Gods' message to intelligent life on a beautiful planet - Clean up the mess.
7 min read
Text title Phoebe

Goddess Phoebe. War or Peace. The Choice is Ours

Phoebe identifies as an Olympian and delivers a simple truth – Love thy neighbour is better than Hate.
7 min read
Text title Diana Artemi

Olympian Goddess Diana - Artemis. The Huntress on Hunting.

Among the first of all deities, Olympian goddess Diana – Artemis – confirms her title of Huntress and reveals her work protecting the environment and lives of endangered animals.
8 min read
Olympian God Hades' Return Tickets are Priceless in the Underworld

Olympian God Hades' Return Tickets are Priceless in the Underworld

Wilful or remorseless cruelty to others in our world is not acceptable. If you do so, expect to receive it in return courtesy of Hades.
9 min read
Text title Poseidon

Olympian God Poseidon and Humanity's Ocean Mess

Olympian God Poseidon reveals the hidden consequences of humanity's current relationship with the ocean.
8 min read
Text title Underworld

Olympian Goddesses and Gods. Underworld

The Underworld's dark allure has fascinated humans for centuries. Chances are many of us have passed through it, sometime or other. Fortunate to be issued a return ticket.
5 min read
Text title Zeus

Olympian God Zeus. Not All Thunder and Lightning

More good than bad in human community, is Olympian God Zeus' positive assessment of life on planet earth. But the bad is now a danger to our future.
8 min read